

Planet F.B.B is the philanthropic department of Originalfbb Clothing co. which centers around a number of efforts in conservation, education resources, and youth activities. Planet F.B.B is designated to establish itself as a three-pronged humanitarian effort: Participants in the program will be encouraged to build their skills using free educational resources. With the help of these new skills, they will be able to access new job opportunities, entrepreneurial opportunities as well as provide greater benefits to their community.  

Another aspect of Planet F.B.B focuses on environmental cleanup, conservation efforts in the community and worldwide. By organizing in the community and ensuring that we can deliver improvements in conservation we can all work together to provide environment cleanup, inner-city activities which are beneficial to the community and improvements to our local ecosystems. We will organize a series of different cleanups and conservation efforts which can enhance air and water quality globally while building more pleasant environments for the youth of the future.

 The final aspect of our non-profit involves delivering inner-city youth activities. Our goal is to get children more engaged in their community and personal growth by organizing cleanup efforts, giving them free access to education and more. Youths that have struggled to rise above negative influences will finally have a springboard for getting their career on track and finding positive outlets for improving their community and themselves.

Through this three-pronged approach, our primary directive involves delivering opportunities to children and youths throughout the world. Planet F.B.B will continue to provide ongoing resources to parents, youths, and teens to get involved and eventually make a difference in the world.  

As a team of educators, advocates, community influences and social workers we hope that Planet F.B.B can provide a permanent and positive effect on the lives of our young participants.  We will not be able to make a difference without your support. As a non-profit effort, we will rely on the support of each member to keep program up and running.

Contact us for all collaboration opportunities involved with Planet F.B.B.